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St. Trea's Primary School Ballymaguigan, Ballyronan, Magherafelt

News - Eco Council

5th Jun 2024
What a great week we had here at St Trea's walking or cycling to school. The weather...
21st May 2024
This week the Eco Schools committee would like to remind all pupils that it is walk...
13th May 2024
Throughout Science week, each class participated in an outdoor activity planting...
9th May 2024
Great news in St Trea’s as we found out this week that the School will retain...
26th Apr 2024
Well done to all the key stage 2 pupils who participated in a litter pick this week....
16th Apr 2024
In term one Karen Brown from Mid Ulster District Council came out to our school to...
15th Apr 2024
Eco schools were out with Mrs Troy planting some new spring bulbs in our flower beds...
15th Apr 2024
All classes had a go at planting some seeds during science week. French climbing...
15th Apr 2024
Eco-schools recently took part in a recycling waste audit. All recycling bins were...
15th Apr 2024
A huge thank you to J.J Cassidy for kindly donating some spring bulbs. All classes...